Getting some new friends into the game

Before joining forces with Justin D at Just Tennis this spring, I lived in Prague, Czech Republic for almost 2 years.

While there, I met an assortment of interesting people. Old school Czech traditionalists, new school Czech white collar employees looking to compete in a global economy, and of course, a ton of expats.

One of the most influential expats I met and befriended in Prague was an avid traveler set on “seeing, learning and doing everything.” In her adventurous year plus abroad before starting graduate school, she kept a unique “Piggie Blog,” which served as a pictorial history of her travels and featured photos of sights, people, and places with 3 little plastic pigs prominently placed in them (wow..alliteration…that’s a lot of P’s).

Before departing Prague, my colleague (who was well versed in the pig blog) got me some plastic pigs of my own to tag along with me to good old Southeastern Pennsylvania.

With them,  I decided to uphold this tradition and bring the plastic European pigs with me to a day during the first week of our summer session clinic at Downingtown East High School.

Instead of going to a “pig-nic” or a “swine and cheese party,” the pigs took to the court on this particularly sweltering day.


The young players had fun reinforcing their forehand volley skills, learning the overhead smash, playing a particularly epic game of “burn,” and spending some time (during ball pick ups) to pose with the pigs.

Hope you enjoy the pictures! (pig..tures..?)


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