Just Tennis Runs Valley Forge After School Tennis Program

Just Tennis has teamed up with the Valley Forge Elementary School PTO to run two after school “Tennis Club” sessions at the Valley Forge Elementary Tennis Court and inside the school gym. This tennis club is broken up into 2 sessions (K-2 and 3-4) and focus on hand eye coordination, fundamentals, tennis etiquette, teamwork, and of course, lots of fun games for the kids.

I started this club in 2011 when I was serving as Director of Junior Tennis at Picket Post Swim and Tennis club. My staff and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to make it happen again in 2013 and beyond. In fact, it’s gaining a lot of interest at the school so we’ll most likely be expanding in to the winter of 2014 as well.

We’ve had fantastic weather over the course of the past week, so we’ve been fortunate enough to hold the tennis club outside at the courts.

A special thanks goes out to the Valley Forge PTO, the parent volunteers, and the Just Tennis Junior players who help out at the after school club and make it enjoyable for the kids!

Looking forward to making this after school program successful and creating clubs and programs like this at elementary schools across Southeastern Pennsylvania!

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